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Permit Information & Applications

Permit Process: 

  1. Complete a Water and/or Sewer Permit Application Form
  2. Submit the Application along with supporting documents:
    1. Completed Application
    2. Site/Utility Plan or Sketch depicting the construction activities associated with the proposed water/sewer work.
  3. When the Permit is deemed complete by the LCWSA, you will be issued a water and/or sewer permit fee.
  4. Once the permit fee is received LCWSA will issue the permit. The current fee schedule is below.
  5. Permits are valid for 1 year from date of issuance.

Applications will be accepted via E-mail to Permits@lcwsa.us , via drop-off or mailed to our office at PO Box 396, 1997 D’Angelo Drive, Lakeville, NY 14480


**A permit must be obtained before starting any work.**


Construction Notice

LCWSA is televising sewer mains on portions of East Lake Road. This will not disrupt any services. If you have any questions, contact the office at 585-346-3523.