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Understanding Your Bill

1 – Account Number – This number is both the “book” and “account” number. The number before the dash is the book number and the number after the dash is the account number. Both numbers are required to create an account for online bill payments.

2 – ACH – Do Not Pay – An “ACH” is a banking term meaning Account Clearing Housing. This means the account has a direct payment or direct withdrawal and will be paid via the bank account on file with LCWSA on the due date of the bill.

3 – Mailing Address – The mailing address for the bill.

4 – From Date/Thru Date – This is the service period for the bill.

5 – Service Address – This the physical address receiving service for the bill.

6 – Payment Options – Online and phone payments are now available.

7 – Contact Information – LCWSA mailing address, phone number, and email.


Explanation of Capital or Debt Charges on the Water and Sewer Bill:

The following table lists “capital and debt charge” items. Capital and debt charges are collections made for the purpose of paying debt related to prior capital improvements to the water/sewer systems and/or funding future capital improvements.  The following is a list of capital and debt charges that may appear on a customer’s bill:

SEWER Town of Livonia Hemlock Sewer Debt Town of Livonia
WATER/SEWER Groveland/ARS Livingston County Debt Livingston County
WATER Livingston County/Scottsburg Debt Livingston County
SEWER Livingston County/Avon Debt Livingston County
WATER Water Capital Improvement LCWSA
WATER Groveland Station Water Improvement LCWSA
SEWER Sewer Capital Improvement LCWSA
SEWER Groveland Capital Improvement LCWSA
SEWER Flat Rate Sewer Capital Improvement LCWSA
WATER Town of Leicester Debt Town of Leicester

Construction Notice

LCWSA is televising sewer mains on portions of East Lake Road. This will not disrupt any services. If you have any questions, contact the office at 585-346-3523.